The Genesis Genes

The Genesis Genes is a remarkable work of fiction by first-time author Brian Spector, MD. Over a decade ago, inspired by a thought-provoking conversation with a cherished friend, Brian embarked on a literary journey to explore the intriguing concept that "God is in our genes."

This captivating narrative weaves together science, astrology, and spirituality, guided by Professor David Touster, an ambitious geneticist. In his pursuit to uncover the divine secrets hidden within our DNA, Professor Touster’s story unfolds against a backdrop of timeless significance.

The Genesis Genes is the realization of a dream, born from a simple yet profound idea that the intersection of science and spirituality is fertile ground for a compelling novel. Brian Spector, MD invites you to delve into this thought-provoking exploration and experience a story that will challenge your beliefs, entertain your imagination, and inspire contemplation about the mysteries of human existence.

The Author

Dr. Brian Spector, MD, is a seasoned medical professional and a captivating storyteller. With a background in Biology from Vanderbilt University, a medical degree from the University of Florida College of Medicine, and a residency in Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery at Vanderbilt University Medical Center, he has been practicing medicine in Orlando, Florida since 2001.

As the Department Chairman for Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery at the Advent Health Central Florida Division, Dr. Spector has garnered recognition for his excellence in healthcare, including the Advent Health Service Standards Values Awards.

The Genesis Genes is Dr. Spector's debut novel, offering a scientific lens through which to explore the intersection of science and spirituality. Married and a proud father of three grown daughters, Dr. Spector's life embodies the harmonious blend of science, literature, and family.


JBCAN Books is a new and passionate publishing venture dedicated to delivering The Genesis Genes to readers. Our small but dedicated team believes in the power of books to entertain and enrich lives. We are excited to invite readers to join us on this literary adventure as we introduce you to The Genesis Genes. Thank you for being a part of JBCAN Books' story.